Home of the Ultimate Baseball Statistic


We help teams spend their money wisely

Did you know that Wikipedia lists over 117 different baseball statistics yet none of them combine batting, fielding, pitching and runner performance into a single comprehensive value?

Imagine what you could do with a statistic that could?

With the RPM stat a bellcurve forms allowing for easy performance comparisons.

With RPM you can:

  • Fairly compare pitchers and other players
  • Compare players on a specific value such as batting, pitching, fielding, and running
  • Compare teams, groups of players, games, and specific events
  • Predict which team will win a matchup with 63% accuracy
  • Deduce the worth and fair salary for a player

We use actual in game data to power our statistics, not regressions, not approximations, not AI, but millions of points of microdata.

Want to know more?

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